On the campaign trail for Armley Trees.

There’s no doubt that trees contribute a huge amount to our environmental health and sense of wellbeing. And with the climate change agenda ramping up, cutting down any healthy tree is a controversial business. In Leeds, campaigners are currently protesting against Network Rail’s proposed cull of trees in the Armley Park Road area. Their efforts are less about confrontation and more about engagement. They’re exploring public opinion and relevant research, and collaborating with all stakeholders including established advocates like the Woodland Trust. I applaud what they’re doing and the way in which they’re doing it so have shown my support in photographing the trees. I really hope that at least some of them can be saved, in particular the fig trees, which are pretty special. But whatever the eventual outcome, cooperation and genuine dialogue will always leave people feeling better about it. https://armleytrees.wordpress.com/2019/09/27/who-we-are/

Armley Park road 20.09.19

Armley Park road 20.09.19

Armley Park road tress 12.10.19

Armley Park road tress 12.10.19

Armley Park road 20.09.19
