BBC commissions – the highlight of 2021.
Traditionally, January has been the time when I reflect on commission highlights from the previous 12 months. Clearly, 2021 was not, by any stretch of the imagination, normal! So, this year, I’ve decided to look back at one set of commissions in particular. I guess looking at the images it’s pretty clear what I’ve gone for and that is, the BBC. These commissions all come my way via Loftus Media. I am so proud to be a part of this hugely talented team. That quality is representative of the quality I’ve seen across the different areas of BBC production I’ve photographed. From new presenters to events, there’s just a real commitment to maintaining the highest standards. Also reflected, the fact that people are still really proud to work for the BBC. I think that definitely comes across in the pictures. In a really challenging year, capturing that positivity and enthusiasm on camera really kept me going. So thank you Loftus, thank you BBC and 2022, here we come!