Guest judge for N Photo Photographer of the Year.
Pick up your copy of the latest N Photo and you’ll find me in there as a guest judge for the magazine’s Photographer of the Year competition. This month it’s the live performance category and the top 10 images submitted are all featured. The prize is a mirrorless Nikon Z6, perfect for capturing live action. Having tested the camera on a BBC shoot and on the Snow Patrol tour earlier this year, I was more than happy to offer my personal endorsement. Here it is, along with one or two of my pictures from Snow Patrol at Leeds Arena to illustrate just what the Z6 can do. Thanks to Adam Waring at N Photo for the Guest Judge spot and to Nikon for continuing to develop and deliver amazing cameras that keep pushing the boundaries of what we can do.
“I was really excited to get my hands on a Nikon mirrorless camera.Initially I was attracted to the quieter shutter action for live music and broadcast shoots and that is certainly a brilliant feature. There are certain venues where shutter noise is completely off limits but the Z6 I trialled really was super quiet. The other feature which immediately impresses is the light weight, perfect when you’re roaming a music venue or running between festival stages, or if you simply need to keep shooting for longer. I was equally impressed with the image quality which may not quite compare to the D5 but with all those pluses and a lower price point this camera has got so much going for it. I’ve seen a few photographers stage-side with the Z6 and that’s kind of the best endorsement you can get.”