In the studio with Josh Robins

Josh Robins Leeds, 03.03.16
This is singer songwriter Josh Robins, who is described on his website as a “performer on the verge.” Having said that, at the ripe old age of 22 he has racked up a fair amount of musical experience. Josh started out on classical piano (fairly reluctanctly) at the age of six and his dad is folk musician Karl Robins so there was no shortage of musical influences. By the time he was 13 he was writing songs and had started his first band, Distorted View, and at 18 he was signed to a small label with another band, Lady Gray. For the last year though Josh has been making his was as a solo performer. He’s just about to record his first EP with Liam Thorne, studio engineer on George Ezra’s latest album (which bodes well!) so our shoot was designed to deliver pictures for the EP cover and all the surrounding publicity.

Josh Robins Leeds, 03.03.16
It was great to get the commission from Josh’s manager, Rachel Daly following a recommendation from Dave Simpson who writes for the Guardian. We had a whole day at my new studio which I’ll be moving to in a couple of months, and that also worked out well. Plus, Patti Crozier was there to offer some professional styling so we had a brilliant session getting a really decent portfolio of shots together.

Josh Robins Leeds, 03.03.16
I’ve always said it’s exciting to be there right at the beginning of a career. Hopefully by the time I have my next 10 year show Josh will be massive!! For now – good luck with the EP and for anyone who wants to find out more, have a look at the website:

Josh Robins Leeds, 03.03.16

Josh Robins Leeds, 03.03.16

Josh Robins Leeds, 03.03.16