Picture perfect Wilderness with N Photo bonus.

This month I took some time out from my normal festival photography to capture the other side of Wilderness. I shot some of the pictures below before the hordes arrived. On reflection though, I actually prefer the more populated images. As always, hot tubs, gypsy caravans and rowing boats nestle comfortably among the painterly landscapes. It was really lovely just to get away from the usual  noise and melee in really peaceful surroundings. Talking of noise though,you can find more of my Download pictures in the latest edition of N Photo magazine. I’ve also shared advice and insights on how to approach festival photography. What started out as a two page feature turned into a 12 page lead…which was nice!

wilderness 2019


N-photo magzine Music Festival 01.08.19

N-photo magzine Music Festival 01.08.19

