Model behaviour – Digital and 35mm Film

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17
I got to know model Bethy Barnes through creatives at Enjoy Digital and this month we’ve been shooting some new portfolio work. This was great for her promotion but also great for me as I got to try out some different locations around my studio and also compare digital results with old school 35mm. The sun shone for us and we had a great day. Nice to work with a professional model and Beth has a great attitude and look. See what you think of the pictures below. I think the 35mm film camera still delivers a different feel to the imagery albeit it’s fairly subtle.

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17

Beth Red Mill Lane studio 20.08.17
Shots below taken on 35mm film with a Leica Flex. I love how the film and the red gel on the light combine to give a very seventies, vintage feel. And who knows we might see Beth on more shoots in the future!


