Putting together a collection of work for a book is always an interesting exercise. For the first A3 one I produced, I focussed mainly on music and even with 60 pages to play with I struggled to narrow it down to a final selection. It’s great to have your best pictures from 10 years in one place and in print but an A3 hardback book is not the most portable portfolio to cart around. So…a couple of years on, I’m now finalising an A5 version. I’m keeping the cover, designed by Rob O’Connor at Stylorouge, but shifting the main focus to my favourite commercial and editorial work. With only 30 pages to play with it has been even harder to make those editorial decisions. Blondie have still found their way in there though! Here are a couple more shots that have made the final cut.
This month I’ve also been digging through my archive to find some shots of the Fall’s legendary frontman Mark E Smith who died last month. This picture was taken back in the 90’s in the days of film; the venue is now also sadly departed. RIP Mark E. Smith.
Tags: BlondieDave GrohlMark E. SmithSheffieldThe BoardwalkThe Foo FightersTracey Welch Photography